How chaos can help your career --->
In high performance thinking we look a lot at maximising productivity and efficiency for peak performance.
And the incremental, compoundable gains you can achieve through these tweaks are powerful.
The other thing that can be powerful is the opposite. Chaos.
Inviting a little chaos into life helps us grow. It demands we think quickly and differently. This creative state stimulates new and interesting ideas that could help us LEAP vs. step forward.
And it is simple to do:
Walk a different route to the office
Pick something you’ve not tried before for lunch
Text a friend in the middle of the day
Get something new and visible for your home like a picture or cushions
Go to an art exhibition you’d usually not get around to
You get the idea. If you do a handful of ‘different’ things you create some confusion/ internal challenge as your brain adapts.
These new sparks create insight and ideas.
Sometimes all you need is to disrupt your routine and creativity strikes. You’ll be inspired for that next career move in no time.
What can you do this week to disrupt your routine? Comment below and share your experience.
P.S. We can get fixated on refining and tweaking what we do. Sometimes you need a bigger shift to get to a new perspective. Mix up your routine this week and create inspiration.