The coolest job in the world

Are you thinking widely enough about your next career move?

I’m in Drumheller, Canada at The Royal Tyrell Collection - one of the biggest dinosaur museums in the world with >130,000 fossils, many of which are from the local Alberta region. I’m having an excellent time 🤓🦕


And I met this guy - his job is to search for and study dinosaurs. In this picture he’s working on removing a piece of dinosaur bone from the surrounding rock and talking to visitors.

…Coolest job in the world or what?!

Maybe it floats your boat or maybe it doesn’t. But if you’re currently sat thinking about your next career move, and are contemplating a move to another similar role, hit pause. Is that really what you want?

If you’ve got a niggle that you want to do something wildly different, follow your curiosity and learn more about it. I mean, if this job exists, surely there’s a job doing a thing you love too.

I want to hear from you - what’s the best job in the world?


Make an impact - have an opinion


Behind the scenes - no I am not positive ALL the time...