New year, next level you
Happy new year!!
Welcome to the first day of 2020, the first day of a new decade.
What does it have it store for you?
I'm hoping that you've got some time over the next week, before work really picks up again, to reflect on what you're leaving behind and what you're creating.
There are a couple of things I find 'end of year' energy is particularly good for. One is writing out your personal 2019 greatest hits. What did you succeed at? What are you grateful for? What are you celebrating? I like Denise Duffield-Thomas' approach of aiming to write 100 things. I got stuck a few times so kept asking myself, anything else?
It's also a good time of year to ask yourself: what am I leaving behind? What am I releasing? What am I refusing to take into 2020 with me? This could be anything from Marie Kondo style de-cluttering of items you no longer need or a mental/ emotional release like deciding that worrying about what other people think isn't going to control you in the new year.
I dislike the messaging around new year of 'new year, new you'. I don't think we need a new you. What we want is an even better you.
So rather than committing to losing 2 stone or to read a book a week (classic new years resolutions that disperse in February), why not get more curious and more specific. What book are you intrigued by, that you'd love to read? Resolve to read it. What new activity have you always wanted to try? Go book a lesson.
These softer, more specific ideas about having fun and following your interests are much more likely to keep you learning, growing, evolving.
Plus, you can set intentions, goals, change your mind, make decisions, create things, on any day of the year.You don't need to wait for a new year or the start of a new month.
This links back to what we were talking about last week, deciding on an outcome you want and asking ‘what can I do today, that feels good, that could lead towards my outcome’.
More fun, less striving.
I'd love to hear what you'll be working on in 2020, hit comment and let me know.