Has Covid-19 forced you to reconsider...?

I was reading an article this week that a friend shared titled ‘People are craving something more’. It included a survey that found at any given time, one in three people are thinking about leaving their current job and/ or changing career. That’s a lot! So if it includes you, you’re in greater company than you think.


It won’t surprise you to know that most people need a shove to find a new job, and the interesting development this year is that Covid-19 has been a massive ‘push’ factor.

Something needs to be wrong with the old one. It needs to be painful enough that we are willing to risk discomfort, effort and rejection, in order to put our energy into finding that next step.

In stable times, people tend to be less impulsive, more considered and move at a slower pace. But a big enough push factor overrides our caution and gets us moving. And Covid is a pretty big push factor.

When you strip away some of the parts of our jobs that make them fun e.g. being with people, events, creative workshops, fun training sessions etc, do you like what’s left? Being at home has forced people to confront their job and look at it more closely. Without the distraction of a face to face environment, we’re putting a more critical lens on our day to day activity and pondering: is this enjoyable?

And the deeper question: does this have meaning?

So as we head towards the end of year, ask yourself the above questions and see where you’re at.
It doesn’t mean you need to make a radical decision and quit on Christmas Eve. I get that people are nervous about the current job market (though I still know people who are voting with their feet). But do make a decision so that you can enter the new year with clarity.

Then you can start taking steps at your own pace to find a role that fulfils you. Before Christmas takes over, carve out some time to reflect on your career so you can make an empowered choice for 2021. Hit reply and let me know where you’re at.

P.S. This isn't about looking for negativity, this is about hitting pause and looking at whether your current job is still working for you or not. You're smart and capable with lots of options - don't fear stopping and reflecting. You can always move at your own pace.

P.P.S. There's 2 ways you can currently work with me:

  1. A two hour breakthrough NLP session

  2. A one-to-one-coaching programme over 4 weeks. All phone based.

When you're ready, email me and we'll agree which approach best serves your goal.


Managing your Christmas mindset


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