Leadership impact: Creating success in your first 100 days
This is an opportunity to embody the leadership you know you’re capable of. You’ll step confidently into this new role to listen, investigate, prioritise and lead YOUR way without compromising your values or feeling overwhelmed.
A 4 month live group coaching experience for 4 leaders – open for enrolment now.
Do you want to do your next leadership role differently?
Do you want to shake off any preconceived notions of who you should and shouldn’t be as a leader?
Do you want to make an even greater impact and know you’re making a difference?
This is the year you step your leadership up a level.
This is not for you if it’s your first leadership gig. This will run like a mastermind – 4 leaders with me as your Coach, guiding you through pivotal moments as you start this next leadership role. Part of the experience is learning from your peer group – other experienced managers and leaders who know that they are good at what they do and see an opportunity to further evolve their leadership and impact, together.
Leadership is lonely. And it’s even lonelier when you’ve just started a new role. During and after this programme you’re going to feel supported, connected and powerful. You’ll have learned more about yourself, your strengths and how you want to lead. You’ll also translate this into action that sets you up for success with a new boss and new team. At the end of 100 days people will be looking at you wondering how you did it.
This isn’t just another job, it’s the next version of you. A happier, content, fulfilled you. You’re here to learn tools that will last a lifetime and create amazing team and client impact.
You believe that your team will perform even better if you invest in your leadership, BUT you’re mostly doing this for you because you’re worth it.
You’re driven, you’ve got the track record, but you know you’ve got more to give, more impact to create and want to do it by being more YOU. Not by swallowing another management textbook.
This group coaching programme will help you connect to the type of leader you want to be, learn from peers and create the lasting impact you know you can make. We’ll cover 4 key areas that impact your early success in a new leadership role, evolving how we approach different topics as themes emerge from the group.
This is for you if you identify with these statements:
You know leadership is lonely. Your boss, direct reports and peers are all (or will be) new. You need to build new relationships and a new support network for this role
You don’t know who to trust. You’re in a new ecosystem and you haven’t yet worked out who the key players are and how it works around here
You want a safe environment and a peer group outside of the business to bounce around ideas knowing you’ll receive support, not judgement
You know there will be access to training in your new role, but you don’t want to follow a textbook – you want to invest in yourself and step into your own brand of leadership
You have a sense you’ll want to make some changes to reporting lines, team structure or roles & responsibilities - you want to do this well
You feel a strong desire to make an impact here, and know you have a tendency to dive in. This time you want to slow down (slightly!) and know that you’re setting strong foundations to create value in the right areas
You want to fact find, speak to your new colleagues and listen before launching into action
You see this as an opportunity to refresh your leadership and invest energy in creating the next version of yourself. You want to make sure it is ‘you’ that steps into this next role, not an overly corporate or watered down version
You know you’re the right person for this job, you are confident and you deserve to be here. But every now and again the unhelpful voice in your head makes you question yourself
You know that the Executive will expect you to orientate yourself, complete your deep dive and have a plan ready within 3 months.
I believe that you are a powerful leader and that you’ll be most impactful when you’re behaving in a way that’s congruent with who you are.
Here’s what the programme looks like:
Part 1 – Choosing how you’re going to lead
Pausing and reconnecting with who you are in order to unlock and articulate your unique contribution and leadership style. Includes:
Uncovering your personal values and what you stand for – translating this in a leadership context
Asking for feedback and examples of your current leadership – how to get honest input
Investigating leaders you admire
Eliciting your formative management and leadership experiences and what they say about you
Deciding what you’d like to evolve and change
Part 2 – Understanding people and environment
The people around you are critical to your success. This section is about getting to know your boss, direct reports and key stakeholders, setting up mutually respectful relationships and building trust. Includes:
Working out how to interact with your new boss – what to look for in the early weeks and months
Uncovering how to motivate and engage your team and who the key players are
Learning which stakeholders are most invested in what you’re here to do and how to manage competing agendas
Knowing who has influence and who can support you
Using a personal boardroom approach
Part 3 – Being strategic
You’ve been recruited into this role for a reason. Lets look at what you’re learning so far about the organisation and role you’re here to do. Time to get strategic. Includes:
Creating a clear vision for the team, now and in the longer term
Deciding what you’re here to achieve and articulating these priorities to the team and business
Reflecting on how this role was sold to you and how this matches your first impressions
Considering what leadership is called for in this specific context
Ways to keep a focus on transformation as your day job gets busier
Part 4 – Execution: creating and measuring your impact
Executives typically expect leaders to use their first 3 months to do a drains up on the business they’re coming in to run and then to have quick wins and a clear plan. Includes:
Being highly selective – choosing where you’ll invest your time and energy
Reflecting on your leadership strengths in this context – where across the plan are you most needed?
Watching out for your shadow side – overplayed strengths and managing areas of challenge
As you settle into the role, what habits are you creating?
How will you know you’re being successful - what are you measuring?
AND you’ll be gifted:
Guided visualisation – a recording created by Kat where you have the opportunity to meet your future self as a powerful leader to learn how you’ve been successful in this role and beyond.
Programme outcomes
A respectful relationship of equals with your boss
A team who want to work for and with you
A feeling and knowing that you’re doing this your way – you’re in integrity and owning your unique leadership approach
Greater trust in yourself, your decision making and your leadership
A confident articulation of a plan for what and how you’ll deliver in this role
A measurable impact.
This is not for you if:
You’ve taken some management and leadership courses and that’s you ‘done’ with learning. Training and development is for junior colleagues.
You react negatively to feedback (be honest with yourself here)
You have no management experience
Your confidence is completely shot, you feel burned out, exhausted and in need of deep rest.
Criteria for applicants:
You care deeply about this next role and want to create a positive impact
You are open to looking at yourself, your thinking and behaviour. You know that raising self-awareness is uncomfortable but leads to greater fulfilment
You are open to learning
You have some management or leadership experience
You are willing to build trust with Kat and up to 3 other group members so that the group can learn together and compound the value of this programme
Wherever practical you show up to the live group calls. You have 100% commitment, and expect the same from your peers.
Hi, I’m Kat Hutchings and I’ve created this group experience because I know that there’s a better way to do leadership – and that way is your way.
5 years ago I realised I was in the wrong career. Coaching my team became the best part of my job so I started learning about coaching and created my private coaching practice. I was invited to interview for a role leading a team of coaches in a FTSE 100 Bank. I become responsible for the London & SE area covering >1000 leaders. I spent 3 years coaching Executives and Managing Directors and developed my team to do the same.
I’m a banker by background. I have a close affinity with Financial Services & Professional Services, finding I often attract clients in these environments. Having spent a chunk of my career lending hundreds of millions of pounds to companies in the UK and US, I understand business. And having led teams in a Financial Services firm I understand the commercial reality of owning a P&L, engaging a team, creating high professional standards (both for excellent client service and to meet regulatory requirements) and delivering performance for shareholders.
This means you’re working with a Coach who understands your role and the different challenges experienced leaders face. I’ve seen a wide variety of leadership and management training. And I know what it means to work within an organisational context.
I have a Professional Executive Coach (PCC) title which means I’m registered with the Association for Coaching, have >800 hours of coaching experience and have been accredited in my coaching approach, ethics and how I manage my practice. I am also a Master NLP Practitioner, which means that I know how to get to the root of what holds you back and clear the way for your success. I’ve studied neuroscience, mindfulness and psychology.
I believe in you. I believe that you can lead your way – lets get to work uncovering it.
What is working with Kat like?
“Kat is a wonderful listener, with a stunning right hook: the ability to land profound and challenging questions at the right time. She oozes empathy and takes time to understand context and drivers. I came to trust her as being fully on my team, knowing that she was committed to my development and my success”
“I have greatly enjoyed working with Kat – she challenges me, but in a collaborative rather than confrontational manner. I have valued discussing team specific issues with her and have benefited from her coaching on working with high performers and maintaining that performance. I trust Kat and feel able to be open and honest with her – she quickly built a good relationship with me.”
“Kat was instrumental in helping me identify areas for improvement and to take the opportunity to try different approaches and not be afraid to experiment. Kat’s open and relaxed approach, honest feedback and motivation were a valuable and rewarding experience. One that will have long lasting results”
The investment for this 4 month coaching programme is £2500.
This includes:
6x 60 minute group calls over 4 months
1x 1-1 coaching call for you to schedule any time during the 4 month programme
A Voxer group (a free app similar to Whatsapp) to share ideas, challenges and receive support from Kat and each other.
Here’s the details:
For those of you who like to know (like me!) exactly how things work and what to expect once you invest.
Ahead of each call Kat will share self-study resources to help you create insights around the 4 topics, notice your own thinking and behaviour and create change. You’ll then have the opportunity to have your thinking challenged and be coached during the group calls.
Week 1-2: Part 1 resources available. The following week we connect on a Group call. This first call will be 90 minutes to create the opportunity to come together as a group as well as dive into the content.
Week 3-4 – resources available. Group call (60 mins)
Week 5-6 – resources available. Group call (60 mins)
Week 7-8 – resources available . Group call (60 mins).
By working at this pace, meeting every 2 weeks, you have access to content across all 4 parts of the programme quickly. This is important for those of you who are part way into your new role and want prompt access to the topics.
The next 2 months is about applying your insights and receiving ongoing support from Kat and the group. We relax the pace to create space for you to notice your leadership behaviour and choose what to shift and evolve.
Week 11 - Group call (60 mins)
Week 15 - Group call (60 mins).
Programme concludes with a celebratory call to share your success over the last 100 days in Week 17.
Throughout the 4 months you have a private space to interact with the group, including Kat, in Voxer (similar to Whatsapp). This wrap around support and discussion space throughout the programme is a key benefit.
When you click the ‘register’ button, you will receive a welcome e-mail from Kat sharing programme details and an invoice for payment.
What time will the calls be?
Kat will suggest two different options and the group will decide the best fit.
When can I use the 1-1 session with Kat that’s included in the programme?
You can use this any time during the programme. Early in the programme to unearth personal values and later in the programme as you implement more insights are particularly helpful times.
What is the Voxer group for?
Voxer is an app that is similar to Whatsapp. Kat will create a group so that we can interact and support each other between calls. It is a place to share your insights and successes. It’s also a place where you can ask Kat questions and get input from the group.
If you raise a topic that needs more discussion, Kat will recommend we cover it on a group call. If she’s able to provide help live in the moment with a voicenote or text response, she will do. Kat will respond to all Voxer messages within 24 hours Mon-Fri.
What will we cover on the group calls?
The first 4 group calls are aligned with the 4 parts of this programme. Ahead of each call you’ll have had access to a workbook to provoke your thinking and help you create awareness around specific leadership behaviours. It will also include leadership tools & techniques related to the topic for you to experiment with. The group calls are an opportunity to have hot seat coaching in relation to this topic to help you create change.
The remaining 2 group calls have no agenda and are designed to help you deal with challenges that arise and to embed your new leadership behaviours and tools. Kat is open to supporting you on any topic you bring.
Can my company pay for my place on the programme?
Yes. Lots of companies want to invest in their leaders – why not approach them and ask?
Kat requires payment in full to secure your place on the programme so it is often best to make the investment yourself and then seek reimbursement from your employer. Kat can provide an invoice receipt for you.
This programme says ‘your first 100 days’ and I’ve already been in this role for a few months, can I still apply?
In short, yes. Some people may not have recently started a new role but still want to lead differently. This programme is an opportunity to pause, re-set and emerge a stronger leader over 100 days. Message Kat to talk about your specific circumstances and she’ll give you a straight opinion.
I’m excited for what you’re going to create in your next leadership role – both the shifts you create for yourself and the huge positive impact this will have on your team and clients. All by doing leadership your way.