Are you in the driver seat?

...or is fear in the drivers seat?

In her book Big Magic, Liz Gilbert writes a letter to fear. It's brilliant. 

I'd encourage you to read the book (if you're interested in sparking your creativity) or you can find the letter online.

She describes taking a journey in a car, with both creativity and fear as companions. She acknowledges that both have a role in life - neither can be totally excluded.

BUT, she says to fear:

"You’re not allowed to touch the road maps; you’re not allowed to suggest detours; you’re not allowed to fiddle with the temperature. Dude, you’re not even allowed to touch the radio. But above all else, my dear old familiar friend, you are absolutely forbidden to drive." 

I love it.

It would never have occurred to me to write a letter to fear, but if it had, I'd want to phrase it as eloquently as this.

She calls fear Dude. That definitely makes FEAR sound less intimidating, right?!

And she's clear that whilst fear is permitted to be present, it isn't allowed a say. It doesn't get to change the plan, impact the environment or generally interfere. What is absolutely clear is that fear is not in the drivers seat.

I find this a useful way to talk to myself when fear looms and think it's absolutely applicable in the workplace

Whatever negative emotion gets triggered at work, relegate it to the back seat. Annoyed at someone? Frustrated? Feeling let down? If something happens to trigger these emotions, use this analogy to support you to get out of it fast.

Get in your car (in your mind :)), sit behind the steering wheel and remember you're in charge. Maybe glance in the rear view mirror to make sure your frustration is staying back where it belongs. All under control.

I hope this idea serves you this week. Interested to hear how you get on.

P.S. Try this approach for dealing with negative emotions. Notice them, make a joke/ make light of them and thenremember you're in charge of how you feel


How to earn trust and create impact, fast


How to stop fear from holding you back