Avoid comparison this Christmas
Comparison-itis is typically enabled by specific members of the family (you know the ones), with comments like: "Do you think you'll apply for a promotion next year?" Here’s 5 tips to help you manage this Christmas…
Dust yourself off and try again
As a child you didn't attempt to walk once, then think, hmmm I'm not sure that's for me, and give up. We'd do well to remember the persistence these acts took and apply it now.
More on mentoring
Mentoring relationships can seemingly go on forever if there isn't a discipline of checking in against some objectives. They can fizzle out or become more like chats and that's not the lasting impression either of you would want to leave.
You've just been assigned a new mentor/ mentee, what next?
If you’ve volunteered for a mentorship programme and been matched with someone, your first meeting will be a 'get to know you' session. This is key because, like any relationship, you need to find some mutual ground early on.
Don't rob us of your contribution
I've noticed that I sometimes censor myself, which means I don't say what I'm really thinking. And I expect I'm not the only one doing this. What are you not saying? At work, home or with friends?
It’s pretty tiring being radar-on all the time. Why not let some of the real you out?
Powerful presentation tips - look like a pro
Use one of these techniques when you next need to make a presentation…
How to earn trust and create impact, fast
Having trust reduces stress and worrying about whether things will get done and to the right standard. So I want to share one great way to build trust - and it's super simple.
Are you in the driver seat?
Whilst fear is permitted to be present, it isn't allowed a say. I find this a useful way to talk to myself when fear looms and think it's absolutely applicable in the workplace.
How to stop fear from holding you back
What's really sneaky about fear, is that we often think we're feeling fear when actually, we're not.
What you know is becoming less important - act now
information itself is becoming commoditised. Soon anyone with access to the internet will have access to any knowledge they need. So to stand out in business you just need to be the person who's an expert in applying a certain type of knowledge and getting a specific result.
Can you be nice and successful?
Is it just me, or has 'nice' somehow become a negative word? The Oxford dictionary describes nice as meaning 'good-natured and kind'. That sounds great, so why in modern parlance has the word nice become a bit bland?
It's not all about work...
We all have things going on outside of work that affect how we show up at work, so it’s impossible to deal with our careers in isolatio
Outdated career advice...
I think to successfully navigate our careers in the 21st century, we need to utilise a combination of traditional career management BUT within a modern context.
Don't fly too close to the sun
In Greek Myth, Icarus famously flew too close to the sun which was a metaphor for the danger of over-confidence. What's often forgotten is that he was also warned not to fly too low to the water and risk wetting his wings and drowning - a metaphor for becoming complacent…
Yes, you really are a genius
Last week I shared some practical steps to identify your areas of genius. This week I said I’d expand on this with another key component - helping you to identify your passions.
You are a genius
I think you have a specific kind of genius. There is something you can do better than everyone else. It could be a particular skill, a technique, a thought process. So it's a real shame that the way we're judged in corporate can be restrictive.
Why you need both easy and challenging goals
One of the typical habits of a millionaire is that they write down their goals every day. And if you're not an aspiring millionaire, it's also a habit shared by successful sports professionals, entrepreneurs and CEOs.
Don't try too hard or...
Don't try to hard or...you might get hurt. Ever been told that? Even just writing it depresses me! It's perverse logic but we say these things to ourselves (and hear them from well-meaning people) all the time. Whether it's you or not, you need to shut it out.
How to Measure Your Happiness
I've said it before, but it's worth repeating - I think 'happy' is the whole point. So we need to learn to adapt our environment at work, or move to a new one, if we're not feeling happy there.
Trying harder isn't always the answer
We can often be guilty of stubbornly repeating the same thing again and again or trying harder and harder to get what we want, as if brute strength and determination will do it.