Trying harder isn't always the answer

This week I read a short book called You2 by Price Pritchett about quantum leap thinking.

He uses an example of a fly trapped indoors, frantically and repeatedly flying at a window, trying to break free to the outside world. When opposite there is a door wide open that the fly could escape through.

We can often be guilty of stubbornly repeating the same thing again and again or trying harder and harder to get what we want, as if brute strength and determination will do it.

What Pritchett is advocating, is thinking differently, in order to 'quantum leap' around the problem.
His theory is based on quantum phsyics - I'd recommend you read or listen to his book if you're interested in the detail. In short, his premise is that if particles can make quantum leaps, so can humans.

The way to achieve this is to think differently. He notes that 'we resist new manoeuvres because they make us feel clumsy, awkward, and more at risk'. But if we want to do something different in our career, it makes sense that we should consider alternative ways to get there. Who's done hitting their head against a brick wall?!

So if you're looking to make a career move into an area that looks interesting, but you have limited experience in, you can employ this thinking to help you achieve it.

You need to force yourself to think and behave differently. So try doing the opposite of what you'd normally do.
For example:
- if normally you'd drop someone an e-mail to enquire about the role, go to their office and talk to them instead
- if you'd typically be quiet and secretive about an upcoming interview, tell more people and you may find someone can help
- if your natural starting point would be to assume you won't get the job, switch your attitude for someone who believes they will always get the job they want - this will improve body language, tone, preparation etc.

As Prtichett says, 'the world behaves differently when you actually take action to go after what you want'.

When you take a forward step - the thing you want moves a step closer to you too. Momentum builds and accelerates you towards what you want.

Phew! So there's a bit of quantum physics to spark your interest this Wednesday morning! Interested to hear your thoughts on this and hope it inspires you to try a new approach to any live challenges.Try the opposite to what you'd normally do :).


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