It's not all about work...
We all have things going on outside of work that affect how we show up at work, so it’s impossible to deal with our careers in isolatio
Don't fly too close to the sun
In Greek Myth, Icarus famously flew too close to the sun which was a metaphor for the danger of over-confidence. What's often forgotten is that he was also warned not to fly too low to the water and risk wetting his wings and drowning - a metaphor for becoming complacent…
Don't try too hard or...
Don't try to hard might get hurt. Ever been told that? Even just writing it depresses me! It's perverse logic but we say these things to ourselves (and hear them from well-meaning people) all the time. Whether it's you or not, you need to shut it out.
Trying harder isn't always the answer
We can often be guilty of stubbornly repeating the same thing again and again or trying harder and harder to get what we want, as if brute strength and determination will do it.