Dust yourself off and try again

This week I want to remind you that you tried and failed for years before failure became a scary thing to avoid. Before it made you think twice about trying something again.

As a child you didn't attempt to walk once, then think, hmmm I'm not sure that's for me, and give up. And I expect a lot of you have a drivers license and not all of you will have passed first time (*cough* I didn't).

We'd do well to remember the persistence these acts took and apply it now.

Is there something you're avoiding right now?
- pushing for that higher annual appraisal mark that you know you deserve
- applying for that promotion
- asking your firm to fund a professional qualification.

Or here's a bigger question. Have you had enough of your job entirely? Maybe you tried to make some tweaks and it simply isn't the role for you anymore. 

That's ok. Dust yourself off and try again. 

You're allowed to change your mind. This is common amongst high achievers who often think 'that was interesting, what next?!'

And this is a good time of year to reflect on what you want. To decide whether the role you're in now is what you want to be doing in the new year.

Time for a change? You can make it easier by leveraging your existing network - try this free workbook & audio file I've created.

I'd love to hear your feedback.

P.S. To get the free resource e-mailed to you click here. 


Avoid comparison this Christmas


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