Not consistently getting the results you want?
If you're not consistently getting the results you want, there could be a few things at play. It could be because you're trying to do something you're good at, not great at.
Something amazing is going to happen to you today
Going from thinking 'I'm broke' to 'I'm a millionaire' is a big stretch for most people. Here are some interim early morning thoughts you could try before upgrading again to even bigger, loftier ones…
Dust yourself off and try again
As a child you didn't attempt to walk once, then think, hmmm I'm not sure that's for me, and give up. We'd do well to remember the persistence these acts took and apply it now.
A new perspective on failure
We're often told failure is a good thing. It helps us learn, it helps us grow. It's best to fail quickly so that you can find success more quickly etc etc. Whilst I understand the logic, I still struggle with the idea of failure. Ideally I'd rather not fail at all
How to be tactfully honest
In my experience, a lot of people are terrible at giving feedback. They either 1) don't give feedback at all, 2) give vague feedback or generic praise or 3) overreact in the moment and give destructive feedback.
Who's the imposter now?
Have you ever been asked to do something at work where you’ve felt ‘No way! I can’t do that!’.
This feeling of doubt is called imposter syndrome. Personally I prefer the term imposter experience - it’s unlikely that you have a ‘syndrome’ if you’ve experienced any of these feelings. In my experience we’re all prone to doubt ourselves every now and again.
I can tell what you're thinking...
I expect you've heard before that most of our communication is via body language and tone of voice, with words only accounting for c7% of our impact. I have seen this from a new perspective this week. I've been on an NLP course (neuro linguistic programming)and qualified as a practitioner to add to my coaching tool kit to support my clients.
Take what resonates, and add your own ideas
I saw a great Bruce Lee quote this week that I want to share with you. "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add specifically what is your own," love it.
Staying relevant in a changing workplace
“The person who’s says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it” - Chinese proverb. Innovation is happening around you. So you can lead it, contribute to it, or move out the way. You have unique experience that can help your employer or business to develop new ideas.
To advance your career, would you take a job you don't want?
To advance your career, would you take a job you don't want? For you, this could be an easy or a difficult question. My answer to 'would you take a job you don't want', is... 'it depends'.
I appreciate that is fence-sitting so let me explain...