Why you need both easy and challenging goals
One of the typical habits of a millionaire is that they write down their goals every day.
And if you're not an aspiring millionaire, it's also a habit shared by successful sports professionals, entrepreneurs and CEOs.
We often talk about setting BIG scary goals, thinking big, going for a moonshot goal. I buy into this because our brains need stretching to go beyond the ordinary to the extraordinary. There needs to be a degree of stretch in a goal in order to hit peak performance.
BUT managing the path to a moonshot goal can be hard work and potentially deomoralising if it is too far away.
So I also think that we should set small, easy to achieve goals along the journey. The purpose of this is to create pace and momentum. If you feel like a winner, you're more likely to win again. Achieving one thing will lead to another.
Think about your to-do list - everyone loves ticking something off their list, right?
Lets keep the warm fuzzy feeling going - goals shouldn't be something depressing that we dread re-reading or feel like we're being smacked around the head with.
This is supported by the Bill Gates quote that "most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years."
Sounds to me like we need a dream combo 1) a big goal/ vision for what we want and 2) lots of micro goals/ steps to get us there.
For example, if you've spotted a job you'd love to do - that can be the big goal. The small steps would be to update your CV, get a mentor to read your CV, discuss the opportunity with someone in the know, express interest etc.Loads of small steps you can celebrate along the way, building that sense of 'winning' before you go for the big win.
Time to set goals for the last 4 months of the year! Hit reply, I'm interested to hear yours.