Why you need to get better at dominoes
Chain reactions are powerful. If you put thought, time and energy into toppling that first domino, you can create extraordinary results.
What are you going to START doing?
Next week we’re launching into the second half of the year, so it’s time to make some new commitments.
I was going to write ‘new goals’, but I know that the word ‘goal’ comes loaded with pressure…
We're more adaptable than our bosses think
Research shows that workers are far more willing to be optimistic and embrace change than their employers assumed…
How to make a change even when the timing isn't right
In my experience, people have lots of ideas about things they would like, but often aren't taking action towards them. The phrase 'this isn't the right time' is a common reason shared...
Creating psychological safety sparks creativity
Having a growth mindset is about believing you can develop new capabilities and learn. This means you're likely to take on new challenges, accept feedback and learn from mistakes.
Giving better feedback
Constructive criticism, particularly if it’s a surprise, triggers your fight/ flight response.
It's time to check in on the first quarter of your year...
There's hardly a week and a half left until the end of March - where has that first quarter of the year even gone?! As quickly as that has come around, it’s a good time to check in, finish a couple of things and get your plan sorted for Q2.
A classic technique for deciding whether to say yes and go for it
A classic technique for deciding whether to say yes and go for it,,,
It's not the mountains ahead that wear you out...
Our environment where we work can chip away at us. At our concentration. Our focus. Even our wellbeing. Here are some tweaks you can use to boost your productivity.
Not consistently getting the results you want?
If you're not consistently getting the results you want, there could be a few things at play. It could be because you're trying to do something you're good at, not great at.
Powerful presentation tips - look like a pro
Use one of these techniques when you next need to make a presentation…
How to earn trust and create impact, fast
Having trust reduces stress and worrying about whether things will get done and to the right standard. So I want to share one great way to build trust - and it's super simple.
What you know is becoming less important - act now
information itself is becoming commoditised. Soon anyone with access to the internet will have access to any knowledge they need. So to stand out in business you just need to be the person who's an expert in applying a certain type of knowledge and getting a specific result.
Outdated career advice...
I think to successfully navigate our careers in the 21st century, we need to utilise a combination of traditional career management BUT within a modern context.
Why you need both easy and challenging goals
One of the typical habits of a millionaire is that they write down their goals every day. And if you're not an aspiring millionaire, it's also a habit shared by successful sports professionals, entrepreneurs and CEOs.
Taking Control
I want to talk about Cause & Effect. Because when you're 'at Cause', you are in control. When we're struggling with our roles, or feeling trapped, or uncertain what next step to take, we can fall into the 'Effect' stage.
Managing other people's opinions
Everyone has an opinion on your career. Some are more vociferous than others. So it makes sense to learn when to look for guidance and when to tune out the dissenting voices.
How to think BIG
I think it's quite difficult to know where the edge is. By 'edge' I mean edge of our comfort zones. We're told to dream big and set moonshot goals. But how do we know if the goals we are setting are stretching enough?