What are you going to START doing?

Next week we’re launching into the second half of the year, so it’s time to make some new commitments.
I was going to write ‘new goals’. But I know that the word goal can come a bit loaded with pressure.

Pressure to achieve something. If you’re in a go get 'em frame of mind, great! Dust off your H1 goals, celebrate what you’ve achieved and go again.

For those who either got stuck or get stuck at the ‘getting started’ phase, let’s take the pressure off.

Because the cumulative impact you can create by starting small is immense. You build consistency and before you know it, it becomes more natural like a habit.

Here are some things to consider starting:
- Start by reading one page
- Start by doing one push up
- Start by booking that networking event
- Start by booking time with your boss
- Start by mentoring someone
- Start by re-engaging with one old contact
- Start by writing one paragraph
- Start by signing up for that thing
- Start by walking 1000 extra steps today

Look at your own aspirations. What can you start doing in H2 that could build towards something transformational?

Because we’re all starting something.

Here are some things I’m starting:
- Start talking more about how I help leaders to transform the culture in their business
- Start increasing my steps - uplift by 1000 a day from current level
- Start relaxing more! I’ve been racing from one thing to the next and tired myself out.

I hope this inspires you to start something - to take the first small step and build from there.

Interested to hear what you’ll be working on, hit reply and let me know.

P.S. If you didn't catch the theme, it's time to start something :).


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