Provocative ideas about decision making
It turns out that lots of data and a logical approach can cause bad decision making. In a corporate role it can sound counterintuitive, but brevity and intuition are your friends.
Change your environment to change your mind
Time goes by, and then...the niggling voice comes back. It says "what's the next thing? You could be doing more". And let's be honest, the voice is tiring. I can't say I greet it fondly when it returns to my life. Pushing me again. But it's definitely better than sleepwalking through life in old patterns.
Are you being a hypocrite?
We can say we want one thing, but sometimes our behavior says something different. Challenging question this week - where in your life are you being a hypocrite?
Feeling frustrated?
Frustration can actually be a really useful emotion - it tells us to have a look at what's really going on and make a change.
On being perfectly imperfect
I thought I'd gotten over the old feeling I had of needing to do a great job all the time - until it reared it's head again last week.
Three steps to leverage your strengths
The best approach is always going to be your approach. Take the time to identify your strengths and actively use them to get fast results.
Raising our self awareness to manage crisis
While we're in lock down, we're spending a lot of time in isolation with our own thoughts.
And if your mind is anything like mine, it's a pretty busy place. So it needs active management now more than ever …
Things will NOT be better 'when'
A common thought pattern that holds people back is the phrase ‘things will be better when...[x,y, or z happens].’ Pause for a moment now - when have you thought or said that?
The one word that changes everything...
Notice how this feels: "I could never do that" vs. "I could never do that...yet". It's a clever re-frame that makes us feel resourceful. We may not know all the answers now, but we will.
Celebrate something that went wrong this week
To me, saying (inside my head) that I’m experiencing ‘temporary defeat’ is more palatable than ‘I’ve failed’. It’s short term. I can easily move on and succeed.
Everything is figureoutable
Every time you catch yourself thinking ‘I know this already’ instead ask yourself ‘what can I learn from this’. Actively seek out the learning opportunity so that your brain is engaged…
I know why you don’t have what you want...
You don’t have what you want because there’s a part of you that is feeling threatened by having it. A part that believes it’s not safe for you to have it.
Improving your decision making skills
Do you know, on average, how many decisions we make in one day? Go on, guess before you carry on reading.
Make an impact - have an opinion
Unfortunately there’s plenty of examples of group think in corporate life. You know - the people who always agree with the boss and make obvious generic statements…
Your holiday checklist
Whether you're stay-cationing or going on an adventure abroad it's worth getting your brain in 'holiday mode' with a bit of prep before you head off. Because we all want to maximise holiday vibes, right?
Why you need to get better at dominoes
Chain reactions are powerful. If you put thought, time and energy into toppling that first domino, you can create extraordinary results.
What are you going to START doing?
Next week we’re launching into the second half of the year, so it’s time to make some new commitments.
I was going to write ‘new goals’, but I know that the word ‘goal’ comes loaded with pressure…
You need these cartoons in your life -->
I like them for a few reasons. Firstly, they make me smile! Secondly, I like that they show the division between what our heart wants and what our brain wants. And to ruin the punchline - they often want different things.
Making uncertainty feel safe
With uncertainty rife in a rapidly changing world, we as leaders need to support our teams to cope and thrive.
In psychotherapy there are four states of uncertainty and I think these are relevant to life in corporate.