Change your environment to change your mind

A fun piece of insight to shock the mind today:

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I don't know about you, but I find that pretty terrifying. It illustrates how easy it is to 1) coast through life, staying on our own well trodden path and 2) repeat behaviours based on beliefs that don't support where we want to go next.

Now some people are content with this,

but what's scarier is some haven't even noticed.

But that isn't you, is it?

I know you and the other readers of this blog have a niggling feeling (irritating as it is) that you're meant for more. That you're capable of more than your life's current pattern. That you crave some disruption that stretches you. Or you wouldn't be reading a blog that talks about how to re-wire your mind, create change and BE the change.

But breaking out requires regular effort, because wherever we pause, we get comfortable. So for example when we reached outside of our comfort zone last year to ask our firm to invest in our skill set, or to tell our boss we want that next role, or to speak up when we saw behaviour we didn't like, over time we became comfortable with that too. We adjusted to the stretch and our environment became safe and reassuring consistent again.

Time goes by, and then...the niggling voice comes back. It says "what's the next thing? You could be doing more". And let's be honest, the voice is tiring. I can't say I greet it fondly when it returns to my life. Pushing me again. But it's definitely better than sleepwalking through life in old patterns.

If that voice of intuition isn't particularly loud yet, or if you hear it but are uncertain what to do, try disrupting your environment.

Simple things, for example:

- Get out of bed on the other side to usual
- Use your left hand to brush your teeth
- Use your partners shampoo
- Put Spotify on and listen to a random playlist
- Eat something weird for breakfast
- Turn your desk around so you have a different view for the day
- Wear something you wouldn't normally wear.

Why bother with these random morning routine shifts? Because we're messing with your brain. We're disrupting it's autopilot routine. We're forcing your brain to THINK, to fire off some neural pathways that are a bit rusty.

Forcing your brain out of automatic and into manual get's it in the groove for different thinking. It will help you to be more creative, more diverse in your thinking and can trigger new ideas. Shifting your environment impacts your brain - use it to your advantage. Interested to hear how you're mixing it up.

P.S.  Last week I shared on LinkedIn that Baby Hutchings is due Jan-21 :) An exciting next chapter for us that I wanted to share with you.

There's 2 ways you can currently work with me: 1) a 2 hour breakthrough NLP session 2) a 4 session coaching programme over 2 months. Al


Want change? Repeat repeat repeat


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