Your holiday checklist

It's that time of year - lots of friends, colleagues and hopefully YOU will be booking some time off over the summer.

Whether you're stay-cationing or going on an adventure abroad it's worth getting your brain in 'holiday mode' with a bit of prep before you head off. Because we all want to maximise holiday vibes, right?


So before you go, answer these questions:
1. Will I check my work e-mails when I'm away?

2. Who will be on my Out Of Office? Do I trust them?

3. Do I want to achieve anything whilst on holiday? (Could be applying for a job, deciding next career move, reading a personal development book, getting a high score on angry birds, doing nothing brain-hurty etc)

Why is this list so important? Because this is how you get the most out of time away from the office.

Deciding in advance means you behave as you intend.

If you decide in advance you're not going to check your e-mails on holiday, don't. Don't take a work device. Give someone in the office your personal number for any real emergencies. Chill out.
If you decide you are going to check your e-mails, immunise who you're travelling with so you don't get nagged. Restrict it to certain times of day where practical.

The third question is worth asking because being away from work radically shifts our perspective. I bet you've noticed this.
As soon as you're removed from your normal environment, your mind is working on processing other things like where your hotel room is. That stressful work situation seems emotionally further away (as well as air miles away).

I often have 'aha' moments on holiday because my mind is relaxed, so I quite like taking advantage of this.

For example, in the morning I'll ask myself a question like:

What should I call my new coaching programme? Or who should I interview for a blog article about their culture?

I then park the question and get on with my day.

Then at random moments when my mind is on other things I have a brainwave. I jot it down in a notebook and then go back to holidaying.

I hope you have a magnificent time over the summer, let me know how you use these tips.


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