When are you allowed to leave your job?

We have internal strategies for everything we do. A pattern we follow.

For example, we run a strategy to remember things like people’s names (some people’s strategies are better than others! And yes you can edit yours).

We run buying strategies, attraction strategies, reassurance strategies.

You name it and there’s probably an internal ‘program’ you’ve developed that runs for that.

Interesting right? We’ve been learning how to uncover them in my NLP Master Practitioner training (I just completed my qualification- hurrah!).

What I want to check with you today is: what is your strategy for determining when it’s ok to leave your current job?

Do you have to be miserable? Certain of your next move? Have achieved a certain outcome? It’s worth reflecting on this - it doesn’t take a pro to recognise that if you have an internal ‘rule’ that it’s only ok to move when it gets really bad, that isn’t helpful.

I expect you already know the answer but here are some points to help:

  • Are your friends/ family saying ‘I have no idea how you put up with that’

  • Are you having to run coping strategies like big lie ins at the weekend to recover

  • A feeling of dread on Sunday night

  • Frequent mind wandering or boredom

  • Clock watching.

    These are indicators that something isn’t right and good prompts to ask yourself why you’re not moving on.

There are moments in our careers we’ll choose to stay put so I’m not necessarily advocating for a big change, just an active decision to stay or go.

I'm interested to hear your strategies - how do you typically know it’s time to move on?

P.S. I’m super excited to share that I completed my NLP Master Practitioner qualification on Monday - whoop!! Even more transformational coaching tools coming your way :)


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