Getting value from the dreaded annual appraisal
In the corporate world, we're often required to write an annual appraisal of our performance. I know that attitudes to this process can vary wildly between companies, but it almost always fills it’s participants with dread.
When are you allowed to leave your job?
What I want to check with you today is: what is your strategy for determining when it’s ok to leave your current job? Do you have to be miserable?
"You've got a big but"
If you're unsure how to get over your big but, think around it instead. Answer this question: If anything was possible for me I would...
Lets talk about mental health - I'll go first...
I often share with you ideas, tips, strategies to manage your mindset and develop your career. Knowing HOW to create a positive mindset doesn't mean I am perfect at managing my own all of the time…
An easy way to influence others
A lot of success in corporate roles comes from your ability to influence others.One of the easiest ways to influence someone and get their agreement is to ask for their advice.
Powerful presentation tips - look like a pro
Use one of these techniques when you next need to make a presentation…