"You've got a big but"


I would do [insert interesting thing], but...

...I don't have time
...my parents/ partner/ friends wouldn't approve
...I don't have enough money
...it's not the right time
...I might change my mind.

So many buts! They give us an easy way out. An easy reason not to try. 

And some of them will even be valid. They're still 'buts' though. They're still holding you back from doing a thing you want and keeping you stuck (and potentially unhappy).

What's your big but? Maybe you've got a few. 

Write down your regular excuses, and this week, keep a tally of how many times you say each one. Either out loud or inside your own head (both count).

I had this idea while studying mindfulness and the results were a surprise. I hadn't noticed how many thoughts/ phrases that were on repeat constantly telling me I couldn't do things. Once you know about them you can start dealing with them.

If you're unsure how to get over your big but, think around it instead. Answer this question: If anything was possible for me I would...

Ignore 'reality' (which is just your perception - it's unlikely to be the actual reality anyway) and use the insight that comes from this question to motivate yourself around the buts.

See the buts, and then do it anyway. 

This weeks blog was inspired by 'Feck Perfuction', a book by James Victore. It's a great read for any creative people with big ideas, who like James, can see that 'work is serious play'. I recommend it - lots of smiles, eureka moments and laughter reading this one. Images are a key part of the experience so not one for audio.

Anyway, lets shrink our buts this week :).

P.S. It's time to get your big but out of the way and go for what you want


Try this new thought process -->


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