Supporting the well-being of your staff

Seeing strong support of Mental Health Awareness last week inspired me with the following thought:

As well as looking after ourselves, we need to educate ourselves about how to support others.

As a line manager, you can be proactive about supporting the well-being of your staff.

Here’s some guidance from the mental health charity Mind

Ask the person you are supporting to think about:

- What they are like when they are feeling well and flourishing at work

- What a work environment that promotes good mental wellbeing looks like for them

- What helps maintain their mental wellbeing

- What coping strategies they already use for dealing with poor mental health and why these have been effective

- How they’ve addressed similar challenges in the past

- What hasn’t worked for them in the past and why they think this might be

Mind provide further guidance on how to have a good conversation and what to do next — you can find their guide by clicking here.

I’ve only come across the because the national #mentalhealthawarenessweek campaign caught my interest and prompted me to do some research. It does show that awareness campaigns work if you use them to create action.

What action can you take to support mental health? (To start - you could read the guide 😉)


"You've got a big but"


Lets talk about mental health - I'll go first...