Dealing with conflict at work
One thing that impacts how we deal with conflict in the workplace, is how we were initially taught to respond to conflict in childhood. If we have these rattling around in our unconscious mind then it’s no surprise that we’re going to struggle when we face a challenging interaction at work…
As a society I’d give us 5/10 on mental health awareness
I saw a lot of posts last week about not needing to focus on Mental Health Awareness week this year because we should be thinking about mental health and kindness all the time. But I disagree.
Supporting the well-being of your staff
As well as looking after ourselves, we need to educate ourselves about how to support others. As a line manager, you can be proactive about supporting the well-being of your staff…
Lets talk about mental health - I'll go first...
I often share with you ideas, tips, strategies to manage your mindset and develop your career. Knowing HOW to create a positive mindset doesn't mean I am perfect at managing my own all of the time…