Try this new thought process -->
I expect you’ve heard the phrase: you can’t fix a problem with the same thinking that created it.
This idea rings true for me, and last weekend, I got the evidence WHY it’s true.
As you know by now, I enjoy learning and finding out what mindset strategies and techniques work best. So I’ve invested in an NLP Master Practitioner qualification and we’ve just completed the first 5 of 15 days training.
My inner geek is having a great time :).
Back to the point- this new learning means I can show you how to think differently to loosen or directly solve a problem.
There are lots of different language patterns that fit different contexts, so for brevity, I’ll show you 1!
1) Finesse your problem statement.
Jot down a few phrases about the problem you’d like to overcome until you are clear exactly why it is a problem for you.
For example, ‘money’ is not enough of an answer. A more useful statement would be: I want to ask my boss for a raise, because I currently feel undervalued.
2) Check out these questions:
- how would it feel to be highly paid and still undervalued?
- how do you know you’re undervalued?
- how is being undervalued a problem for you?
- in what areas of life are you valued?
- where in your life are you easily able to ask for what you want?
I could go on...
You would edit the questions so they’re specific to your statement.
The point is that I’m asking you questions that force you OUTSIDE of the problem. Rather than pondering how to get more money, I’m helping you to access other mental resources that shift your perspective and consider the problem from different angles.
This can trigger new insights and approaches to solve the problem, or help you feel differently about it.
We’d then use other techniques to get rid of the problem entirely. Interesting stuff right?
Those 5 questions alone will shift your thinking on something this week. Give it a go and let me know what you find.
P.S. Rather than looping the same thoughts about the same problem, change the way you're thinking and see what new options that creates. Let me know if you want to talk to me about NLP coaching opportunities over the summer.