How to make a change even when the timing isn't right
Sometimes we need a jolt into action.
Today is one of those jolts.
If you've been thinking that there is something in your life you'd like to change (job, relationship, health habits etc) then this note is the sign you've been looking for.
You've considered it long enough and the time to take action is now.
In my experience, people have lots of ideas about things they would like, but often aren't taking action towards them. Common phrases are 'this isn't the right time' and when confronted with examples of people who are doing it anyway 'it's different for them'.
I can honestly say there is rarely a 'right' time to make a change. There's always something else going on that makes it a bit (or very) inconvenient. You get to choose, but choose knowing that timing may never be perfect.
And I can also say with confidence, having worked with >100 people through change, that everyone has a 'thing' that gets in the way of something they want. So believing that it is easier for other people is dis-empowering you and is probably untrue. They may not have the same challenge you have, but they certainly have different challenges of their own.
So lets go for it. Here are 5 coaching style questions to help you start:
1) What is the thing you would like to change?
2) On a scale of 1-10 how committed are you to doing this? What needs to change to get you to a 10/10 commitment?
3) What would a 10/10 commitment look like? E.g. what would you be saying and doing?
4) What action would be a small step towards the outcome you're seeking? Schedule time to do it.
5) If success was guaranteed, what would you do?
These questions should help you determine practical steps and get started. Next week I'll share how to keep up your motivation to follow through and achieve what you want.
Hit reply and let me know what you're working on. I already know you can do it.
P.S. This is the sign you've been looking for. It's time to go get that thing you want.