Feeling frustrated?
Frustration can actually be a really useful emotion - it tells us to have a look at what's really going on and make a change.
Making uncertainty feel safe
With uncertainty rife in a rapidly changing world, we as leaders need to support our teams to cope and thrive.
In psychotherapy there are four states of uncertainty and I think these are relevant to life in corporate.
Be known for your high standards
There's a lot the business world can learn from sport. It's often said that brilliant basics creates great customer experience and I think the same can be said for career prospects.
What you know is becoming less important - act now
information itself is becoming commoditised. Soon anyone with access to the internet will have access to any knowledge they need. So to stand out in business you just need to be the person who's an expert in applying a certain type of knowledge and getting a specific result.
It's not all about work...
We all have things going on outside of work that affect how we show up at work, so it’s impossible to deal with our careers in isolatio
Don't fly too close to the sun
In Greek Myth, Icarus famously flew too close to the sun which was a metaphor for the danger of over-confidence. What's often forgotten is that he was also warned not to fly too low to the water and risk wetting his wings and drowning - a metaphor for becoming complacent…
You are a genius
I think you have a specific kind of genius. There is something you can do better than everyone else. It could be a particular skill, a technique, a thought process. So it's a real shame that the way we're judged in corporate can be restrictive.
Why you need both easy and challenging goals
One of the typical habits of a millionaire is that they write down their goals every day. And if you're not an aspiring millionaire, it's also a habit shared by successful sports professionals, entrepreneurs and CEOs.