Be known for your high standards

I'm re-reading James Kerr's book 'Legacy' and he talks about the ruby team, The All Blacks, and their humility and high standards - they're also known for leaving their changing rooms spotless after a match.

James explains that this creates a team culture where no individual is bigger than the team. Having these standards acts as an equaliser and promotes a humble environment. This type of activity is matched by high professional standards and courtesy on the field too.

There's a lot the business world can learn from sport.

It's often said that brilliant basics creates great customer experience and I think the same can be said for career prospects.

How would you score yourself on these courtesy standards? Give yourself a mark from 1-5.

- When I walk in the office I say hello to everyone as I walk in and goodbye as I walk out
- I reply to all e-mails I receive each day, sending a holding note where a full response requires more time
- I pick up any rubbish I see on the floor in/ around my office
- I'm on time for all meetings
- Each meeting I attend or run has a clear purpose and agenda
- The area around my desk is tidy
- I have an up to date voicemail telling people when to expect a reply from me
- My auto-signature has the correct details and is consistent with the standard set by my firm
- I thank individuals in my team each week for a contribution they have made
- When someone shares something important to them that's coming up (birthdays, holidays etc) I follow up to ask how it went.

This is just a quick check for you to consider whether you're hitting these most of the time. Any low scores that have come to your awareness are good points to look at this week. 

These brilliant basics impact your personal brand. I always remember the people who follow up, appear organised and are courteous to everyone around them. So as well as standing out for your unique skills, it's worth re-vamping the basics.

Interested to hear your views on this. Any points I've missed off the list?

P.S. High professional standards are noticed and impact your personal brand. It's worth sense checking your day to day behaviour.


Be known for your high standards...


How to inspire yourself to take action