2019 Kat the Coach 2019 Kat the Coach

Be known for your high standards

There's a lot the business world can learn from sport. It's often said that brilliant basics creates great customer experience and I think the same can be said for career prospects.

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

What you know is becoming less important - act now

information itself is becoming commoditised. Soon anyone with access to the internet will have access to any knowledge they need. So to stand out in business you just need to be the person who's an expert in applying a certain type of knowledge and getting a specific result

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

Can you be nice and successful?

Is it just me, or has 'nice' somehow become a negative word? The Oxford dictionary describes nice as meaning 'good-natured and kind'. That sounds great, so why in modern parlance has the word nice become a bit bland?

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

Outdated career advice...

I think to successfully navigate our careers in the 21st century, we need to utilise a combination of traditional career management BUT within a modern context.

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

Don't fly too close to the sun

In Greek Myth, Icarus famously flew too close to the sun which was a metaphor for the danger of over-confidence. What's often forgotten is that he was also warned not to fly too low to the water and risk wetting his wings and drowning - a metaphor for becoming complacent…

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

You are a genius

I think you have a specific kind of genius. There is something you can do better than everyone else. It could be a particular skill, a technique, a thought process. So it's a real shame that the way we're judged in corporate can be restrictive.

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

Managing other people's opinions

Everyone has an opinion on your career. Some are more vociferous than others. So it makes sense to learn when to look for guidance and when to tune out the dissenting voices.

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2018 Kat the Coach 2018 Kat the Coach

How to think BIG

I think it's quite difficult to know where the edge is. By 'edge' I mean edge of our comfort zones. We're told to dream big and set moonshot goals. But how do we know if the goals we are setting are stretching enough? 

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