New year, same you, bigger goals!

Welcome to 2019, it's going to be a good one :).

In January people often make new years resolutions and we hear phrases like 'new year, new you' bandied around.

We don't need a new you. We need you at your best, more of the time.

And before we launch into goal setting for a new year it's important to step back and reflect on 2018. There's learnings in there that will impact what you do this year - some things to repeat and others to avoid. 

Here are some of the questions I work with clients on. They'll help turn your general musings into tangible insights you can use.

Reflections on 2018
1) What are your top 3 highlights of 2018? What were the key habits/ people/ circumstances that enabled these?
2) What brought you happiness in 2018?
3) What was the most challenging thing that happened? Why was it challenging?
4) What do you need to forgive yourself/ others for or move on from?

What you want in 2019
1) How do you want to feel in 2019? 
2) What are the handful of things you'd love to do/ experience/ succeed at this year?
3) What is the one thing you're best at? Your USP
4) What have you been procrastinating about that you'd love to achieve?
5) Imagine yourself at the end of 2019 feeling disappointed. Why do you feel that way? What was missing?

Action time
Use the insights from both sets of questions to create 3-5 specific goals for 2019. Then create 3-5 goals just for Q1. Any more than that and we get distracted.

Block out some time, grab a mug of tea and get stuck in.

This is exactly the work I was doing last weekend. Feel free to hit reply and share your answers/ goals and I'll help keep you honest. You've heard this before - writing down goals has a BIG impact on you achieving them. 

So many possibilities are available to you . I hope this helps to start your 2019 with excitement.

Wishing you all the best


P.S. I'll be running a workshop in London this month (or early Feb) to support a small group of you with your next career move. Whether that's within your existing firm or somewhere entirely different, if your mind is boggled with all of the options to work through, this is for you. Email if you want to register your interest and I'll share a discounted rate just for you when full details are live.


What do you want for 2019?


Thank you!!