What do you want for 2019?

What do you want for 2019

Here are 5 questions that will help you plan your year ahead. . .

1) How do you want to feel in 2019?

2) What are the handful of things you'd love to do/ experience/ succeed at this year?

3) What is the one thing you're best at? Your ‘Unique Selling Point.’

4) What have you been procrastinating about that you'd love to achieve?

5) Imagine yourself at the end of 2019 feeling disappointed. Why do you feel that way? What was missing?

Action time! Use the insights to create 3-5 specific goals for 2019. Then create 3-5 goals just for the first quarter of the year. Any more than that and we get distracted.

Block out some time, grab a mug of tea and get stuck in this weekend. I started mine this week and will be fine tuning on Saturday.

I’m interested to hear what you have planned - there are so many possibilities are available to you. I hope this helps exercise helps to start your 2019 with excitement.


Dealing with back to school vibes


New year, same you, bigger goals!