Your personal impact in 2019
We're motoring towards the end of the decade *shocked emoji*
I know you'll be seeing lots of prompts online and at work to reflect on 2019 and what you've achieved - plus, to start planning for 2020 in order to dive in with enthusiasm and gusto in January. So this week I'm sharing what has worked for me, to help you create more personal and professional impact.
Firstly, don't ignore the opportunity to self reflect. Try to put the feeling of dread and boredom about writing your year end work appraisal to one side. There's value in this self-reflection gig, I promise.
How has self-reflection positively impacted me?
• I started setting intentions, rather than strict goals
• I set intentions aligned with my personal values and how I want to feel vs. things I want to have
• I got clear on how I would know if I'd been successful (so I could actually notice and celebrate)
• I created time for myself e.g. twice a year, a whole day of nothing but space for my vision & reflection
• I invested in myself e.g. this year I've worked with 2 coaches, completed my NLP Mater Practitioner qualification and attended masterminds with other business owners & like minded professionals.
This has resulted in a different perspective on success, and quite frankly, more of it.
You might ask yourself different questions depending on your own priorities and values, but hopefully this gets your ideas flowing.
I'd love to hear about any frameworks you use/ questions you ask yourself to reflect on the year gone by - hit comment and let me know. Next week I'll share some ideas about setting intentions (or goals!) for 2020.
Here are some of the questions I'll be asking myself in the next couple of weeks:
• What have you created this year, that only you could have created?
• What have you learned about your unique contribution this year?
• What client results/ impact are you most proud of?
• If it were impossible to fail, what action would you take? (in all aspects of life)
• What were you doing when you were feeling most fulfilled/ happy?
• What would courage look like in 2020?
• What do you want to learn more about?
P.S. Self-reflection is a FREE, underrated coaching tool. You can use it (almost!) anytime, anywhere. Protect some time for yourself in the next 3 weeks and take the opportunity to celebrate and create even more success for yourself in 2020.