Nature doesn't complain about Winter
I think this teaches us two things, 1) contrast exists to show us what we want and 2) everything changes with time.
Let's look at both.
Firstly the contrast piece. What I mean is that it's easier to know what you want when you know what you don't want. That's what gives us a nudge that something isn't right and motivates us to fix it.
I recently heard this expression (I think it is Taoist) that it's hard to know what happy is without sad. Whilst I wouldn't wish sadness on anyone I do see the point they're making.
It's the difference between happy and sad that makes happy so great.
So if you're having a rubbish moment at work, it will make the great moments shine more, or it will at least prompt you that something needs to change.
And secondly, all things change with time. After Winter comes Spring.
So if you're in career winter, it won't last forever. There's some seeds you can plant and nurture that will maximise your Spring and Summer.
What was driving you mad last month suddenly seems less annoying when it's lighter outside. Seasonal change is part of natural law - remember that the next time you're giving yourself a hard time for not making quicker progress in your personal winter.
So the thinking points for this week are:
- what time of year are you at your best?
- which parts of your life feel like they've been in Winter? What are your plans for Spring?
- where are you seeing the contrast make your good moments even better?
Hope this interests you and shares a different perspective. Hit reply and share your reflections.