The best time to change your job is when...
Feeling like you're at the top of your game?
It could be time to pick another game.
We're cyclical creatures. It's hard to maintain peak performance ALL of the time.
Remember when you started your current role? You would have been in learning mode most of the time.
It's tiring but exhilarating as you work out what's going on and how you can add value.
You have some early wins and that gives you the boost you need to keep learning.
You then transition into delivery mode where your performance is increasing and you hit your stride. You're working faster and smarter. Maybe a few accolades are coming your way and your confidence is high.
Once you've hit your peak performance there's a couple of things that could happen - one is that you continue to grow, develop and perform. The other is that you plateau, and then start declining....
This is something to watch out for. The ideal career move happens when you're at your peak for good reasons:
1) your reputation is great - you're known for delivering results
2) you're energised. Things are going well and are requiring less effort vs. a new or draining role. So you have the capacity to think about your next move.
3) if your role starts to lose its glamour/ you get demotivated then your performance could drop.
This week, check in with where you're at - are you still accelerating or starting to peter out? You'll either get confirmation all is well or a signal that it's time to start planning your next career move.
Hope that helps!
P.S. The best time to change roles is when we're doing well. We've got the energy, reputation and contacts to move gracefully to our next career move. Sense check where you're at this week - all still good, or time to move on?