Two mental re-frames that convinced me to take time for myself

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We’re all making a series of choices about how we use our time. I know I'm good at justifying to myself how I spend my time (particularly when it’s work in service of others) - but ending up exhausted because I've not left any time for myself will leave me stressed and unable to focus properly, which is of no use to anyone.

I read a lot about how we need to slow down, practice self care, fill our own cup before helping others...but it’s all easy to say and hard to do. UNLESS I choose otherwise. So here’s two insights that have recently helped me change my behaviour:

1. Fit your own oxygen mask first. When you can breathe, you’re still alive to help others breathe. If I protect my own energy first, I’ll be able to give more to others. I feel the truth of this recently (as well as ‘knowing’ it in a logical sense thanks to coronavirus!).

2. Taking one break, one time is not enough. Cars need to be refuelled regularly. So why when it comes to our own energy do we expect to have one break, or do one journalling exercise, or one meditation and ‘fix’ ourselves?

It resonates with me that looking after our energy is ongoing.

If you’re like me and you need a reason, a ‘why’ in order to create change in your life, look at what stories you’re telling yourself about spending time on yourself. If they help, feel free to borrow these two of mine. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts!


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