This Star Wars attitude can save your meetings

Do you always get a good outcome from the meetings you run?
Here are two abstract ideas that I think also serve us in the corporate world - one from the medical profession and one from Star Wars.

Example #1
I bet we've all inwardly sighed when asked to introduce ourselves to the group at company training. But in a hospital, a 2011 medical study found these niceties crucial ahead of patient surgery. When doctors and nurses took the time to make introductions to each other, discuss any concerns and get ready as a team for surgery, the likelihood of patient deaths and complications dropped 35%.

Evidence that small talk and being witnessed as part of the group really does impact productivity and success. So the next time someone new joins one of your meetings, take the time to introduce them properly and make them feel welcome so the group can re-form and discussions are inclusive.

When George Lucas was filming the original Star Wars, The Directors Guild of America required that the writer and director were named first in the opening sequence. It's just how things were done - the creators were prioritised over the audience's experience of the film.

Lucas ignored their protests and made one of the most memorable opening scenes of a movie. His priority was audience experience. The customer getting what they needed. He was fined $250k. Based on box office numbers I expect he made the right call...

How does this translate to the office? Always put the customer (in this case your meeting attendees) first. Do this by being bold about serving them vs. pandering to outside agendas so they get the outcome they need.

Reflect on your upcoming meetings this week and boost effectiveness through bold leadership and inclusivity.

P.S.  Both these stories come from Priya Parker's book The Art of Gathering - I enjoyed it and would recommend it for anyone who regularly hosts meetings and gatherings.


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