Feeling frustrated or stuck?

If you have a feeling of 'stuck', it’s often because either you’re not making as much progress as you’d like towards a particular outcome (e.g. a project you’re leading is behind plan), or you’re uncertain what outcome you want (e.g. don't know what role to move to next).

So I want to remind you that all progress is progress.


We give ourselves a hard time that we haven’t reached the big goal and miss how we’re changing for the better through the process of achieving it.

Last night I came across this quote from James Clear’s Atomic Habits"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become".

You know when you read something and think YES? I’m confident I believe his statement.

If you’re working towards something, all the small steps matter. While the big task is daunting, we can all work out a sensible baby step in the right direction and take it.

This also makes me think about the type of behaviour we want to be known for. What behavioural votes are you making every day?

For example, if you want to be the type of person who helps others, what did you do to help someone today? If you want to be the type of person that exudes confidence, how did you build courage today?

James goes on to say "No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity."

The cumulative impact of your thoughts and behaviour creates who you are.

Who you are, who you’re ‘being’, leads to the outcomes that you create for yourself and the goals you reach.

Makes sense to me.

What action can you take this week to relax your focus on a big outcome and zoom in on a baby step or behaviour that would take you in the right direction?

P.S.  Your actions matter. They speak to who you are. So what do you need to shift in order to be the person who creates the kind of outcome you want?


Where do you need to loosen your grip?


This Star Wars attitude can save your meetings