Looking after yourself in lockdown
With so many of us back in lockdown and working from home, it’s more important than ever to make time for your own wellbeing.
Last Thursday we headed into another lockdown in England for another month. I expect we all reacted strongly to that news, it's hard not to. Personally I found it quite sad, going through my calendar and cancelling the family and friends we were looking forward to seeing in November and a weekend getaway in the UK.
Something I noticed following the announcement was a sudden flurry of well intended - but not necessarily helpful - traffic in my inbox about resources that I can use to support my wellbeing during this time. I love talking about wellbeing - mine and my teams (and yours of course) and it is high on my agenda so I don't mean to sound dismissive. But what I don't need is an overwhelming volume of hyperlinks, resources, slide packs and programmes with big time commitments telling me how they'll fix my wellbeing.
So this week I've reflected on some short, easy, impactful wellbeing ideas that my clients and myself will be utilising during lockdown. You'll no doubt have your own strategies for uplifting your mood - so while you've still got energy, write yourself a quick list like the one I’ve made below. Then, when you're next feeling a bit low, you won't need to tax your brain thinking about what you can do to quickly boost your mood. Just pick from your list.
Hit comment and let me know of any advice you'll be following to help your wellbeing through lockdown.
P.S. Lets not make supporting our own and our teams wellbeing overwhelming through lockdown. Now is the time to simplify and pick a couple of strategies that work for us.
P.P.S. There's 2 ways you can currently work with me:
1) A two hour breakthrough NLP session
2) A three hour session coaching programme over 6 weeks.
All phone based. When you're ready, email me and we'll agree which approach best serves your goal.