You're not working flexibly - you're just working from home

As the working from home period has continued, I know I have fallen into this trap. And I’ve been speaking to a number of people who’ve also migrated away from real flexibility.

Instead they’re simply tied to a different desk for 9 hours a day (or more), often on back to back zoom calls. What’s ‘flexible’ about that? That’s just working all day at home vs. in the office and it’s an easy habit to slip into with the busyness of our roles. But being at home more is also an opportunity, it’s an opportunity to create sustainable change in the way that we work. A chance to bring in more flexibility.

What I mean is that you can work differently, not because you ‘have to’ (e.g. leaving home mid afternoon BUT only because you have to do the school run) but because you CHOOSE to.

For example:

  • Working different hours of the day when you know you’re at your best, even if that’s not 9-5

  • Now that winter is approaching, taking 90 mins in the middle of the day to exercise/ walk outdoors and have a lunch break

  • Compressing hours so that you can take a half/ full day off to unwind and spend time in a different environment (or work on a fun hobby)

  • Blocking out more of your diary for thinking, planning and execution vs. constant meetings.

There’s so much more up for grabs here than just working at home so give it some thought this week. How can you do a cracking job, but fit it around you and how you operate best? Hit comment and let me know what you’re changing.

P.S.  In short, I've seen some bounce back to old (pre-Covid) working practices - we're simply at home vs. the office. We're missing an opportunity to make flexibility sustainable. Try starting with yourself and implement the flexibility you crave.

P.P.S.  There's 2 ways you can currently work with me: 1) a 2 hour breakthrough NLP session 2) a 4 session coaching programme over 2 months. All phone based. When you're ready, hit reply and we'll agree which approach best serves your goal.


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