You're more resilient than you think
It's interesting how we react to even a smallest things changing, like your favourite coffee shop closing early, or a new process being introduced at work. And then we hit this Covid-19 crisis and everything changes. Well maybe not everything, but LOTS of things….
How you do your job has changed
Where you work has changed
Your freedom to travel has changed
Your ability to visit friends and family has changed
Your day to day experience has changed
Your relationship with your significant other and household members has changed
Your working pattern has changed
What we eat and the availability of food has changed
The frequency of discussions about loo roll has changed.
What you thought was important has probably changed too.
My reason for pointing this out to you, is because it proves how resilient you are.
I'm sure that, like me, you're still adjusting because the crisis is evolving. The situation is still intense, difficult and uncertain. So give yourself a break and pause to acknowledge what you're dealing with.
There's a lot of talk about resilience at the moment, so I want you to know you're more resilient than you thought.
Because resilience is simply: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. The fact that you're already this together after 1 week of lock down is testament to personal strength.
Each of these changes is an opportunity to strengthen the resilience muscles that will help us work together to overcome these challenges.
I expect someone in your network is role modelling resilience. Why not proactively reach out, tell them you admire their response to this situation and give them a lift this week.
P.S. I hope you are healthy and safe. I think about you all a lot and am sending positive thoughts your way.