Failing Goals

Since this is the last blog for July I want to check in on the personal goal you set at the start of this month - I said I'd hold you to account!

So what's your progress? Have you hit your goal?

I have a confession....I've failed at mine. Well, failed at one of them anyway. 

You may recall I said I would exercise 3 times a week in July and also take a 1 week holiday. Guess which of those 2 goals I smashed?! Photographic evidence of chilled out wine drinking, attached...

So, I failed the exercise goal.

Now I get to choose how I feel about that and what I'm going to do about it. 

After all, failure is just another opportunity to learn. But we need to learn the right lessons, not just the superficial ones.

Starting with the superficial, here are some of the reasons I failed:
- I didn't schedule time in my diary to exercise
- I didn't pair up with a gym buddy
- I didn't make the commitment 'out loud' to enough people to make me accountable
- I didn't have the right gym gear (tenuous)
- I didn't have time 
- I didn't have anywhere nearby to exercise

....and I could bore you continuing that list.

If I give it deeper thought, I know the real reason I didn't meet the goal is because I DIDN'T WANT TO.

Yep, I didn't want to exercise, the goal wasn't that important to me, so I didn't do what needed to be done.

That's one of the biggest reasons we fail - we don't set the right goals.

We get enticed into setting goals that we SHOULD want to achieve, that are socially acceptable goals to set. Just because it is a reasonable goal to have, doesn't mean it's the right goal for you.

This is relevant to any goal you set - personal or work wise. 

Are you following a specific career path because you think it's the right thing to do? Because you've been told that is how you get 'success' ?

Today I'd like to call time on that and encourage you to check in with what you really want. 

You don't have to follow the path laid out for you (the winding corporate ladder, or sometimes more appropriate - the corporate tight rope). 

Why not work out what you really want, even if it's a bit scary, and carve your own path to success.

When you find something you love doing, setting goals is about clarity and direction towards your passion. You'll feel the impact of setting a goal closer to your heart.

So your actions for this week are to:
1) think about your personal goals and critically review your progress
2) determine why you are where you are
3) re-set your intentions and confirm they are what you WANT, not what you should want.

Let me know if you'd like help setting goals that work for you.


Negotiating A Win-Win


Generating Ideas