Leaders - what are your time investments saying about you?
Ask yourself - are the places you invest your time congruent with the person you want to be?
For example, if you’d like your leadership to be described as approachable, where in your diary have you created space for your team to approach you?
If you want to be considered knowledgeable, where are the diary blocks for your ongoing learning?
Want to be called fair and transparent? Where are the team calls where you’re sharing your strategy and asking for their input?
Some diaries I see are a result of other peoples agendas being inflicted on the leader (labelled as meetings). It means the leader isn’t bringing the best of themselves - they’re reacting to what’s in front of them.
Rather than letting your calendar dictate how you show up, switch up your structure for December so it allows you to be the leader you want to be.
Here's some points to think about:
How would you like your leadership to be described? Choose 3-5 words
Critically assess your diary - is this congruent with the type of leader you say you want to be?
Get ahead - look out to late November/ December onwards. What needs to go in your diary now that would give you the opportunity to demonstrate the leadership you know you're capable of?
Being thoughtful and reflective are becoming critical leadership skills. As well as delivering for customers, you're responsible for your team. You're creating a legacy, whether that was your intention when you started out or not.
‘Structure’ can sound confining and dull, but will create more freedom and amplify the type of leadership you want to demonstrate. This idea has gripped me and I’m making changes to how I invest my time - I’d love to hear how your diary choices speak to your leadership, hit reply and let me know.
P.S. This is about more than 'time management'. This is about who you're being as a leader. Take a moment to reflect on who you're being and who you want to be.
P.P.S I'm designing a short course that helps leaders create confident impact in their first 100 days in a new role. I'd love to hear from you - tell me what areas you'd want to see included.