Are you a hell yes, or a hell no?

Indecision can be paralysing.

It's stressful to stay in a state of 'not knowing'. Trying to decide between various options - should you take the new job, stay where you are, try something different?

Indecision keeps you stuck

So I'm a big advocate of deciding on a course of action and getting things done. It gets rid of that uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty.

BUT - when we're making decisions, for example in a yes/ no situation (e.g. should I accept a new role), your aim should be to get to a HELL YES or a HELL NO. 

This is something I've learned from my own coach. If you're thinking 'yeah that job could be ok', you'll go into it with the wrong energy and will soon find yourself wondering if you made the right decision. 

You'll go back to circular thoughts of should I/ shouldn't I. Or feel frustrated that you might have made the wrong decision.

You want to avoid getting drawn back into indecisiveness and the low energy that keeps you feeling unfulfilled or like something is missing.

So how do you get to a big fat yes or no?
- ask questions. What information could you get to help you decide quickly? Think about points like, what's your potential new boss like to work for, how much will you get paid, do the team often work late etc.

- make lists - go with the old fashioned positives/ negatives column and assess the opportunity in front of you

- hire a coach - get someone to help you work through what you're thinking to make the right decision for you

- get really clear on your decision making criteria - what's most important to you right NOW (this changes throughout our lives). Is it job security? Building your network? Money? Learning something new? Rank your criteria in order so you can easily assess whether a new role meets it

Ultimately you need to ask yourself the challenging question - are you all in? Are you a hell yes or a hell no. Use these ideas to get your energy focussed on one outcome and quit indecision.

Let me know if you have an important decision you need to make - hit reply to apply for one of my complimentary coaching calls and I'll help you get your hell yes or hell no.


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