Back To School

Do you have that back to school feeling?!

Lets swap 'school' for 'work' and I'm sure you'll know what I mean.

August is an odd month - you may have taken a couple of weeks holiday, or you might have been in the office whilst your colleagues were away, making it a quieter time, but harder to get things done/ signed off.

Now it's September - everyone is back with a bang and that work that you didn't finish in August is right where you left it. Time to deliver a successful end to Q3.

Here are some tips to get back in the swing of it, fast:
- Start back with great habits. That inbox you glance at every 2 minutes? Don't. That diary full of 'back to back' meetings? Get ahead of it by blocking out time to prepare... and breathe.

- Remember that your boss will likely be submitting your year end performance rating BEFORE the end of the year. I know corporates that do this as early as October, so manage your boss. Make sure they are seeing the great work you're delivering. However much you normally manage upwards - turn it up a notch for a few months.

- Re-prioritise. Now is a great time to set your intentions for Q4. This year has stormed past and it will be Christmas before you know it. What do you want to achieve before the end of the year, personally and professionally? Make a contract with yourself, whether it's to attend one external networking event a month or reinvigorate your job search by speaking to 3 new contacts at the office. 

- Help someone. Is someone just back from holiday, and already stressed by mid-morning? Find out why. How can you help them. As well as giving those around us a boost, focussing on someone else is a welcome distraction that also comes with a feel good factor.

And finally...
- Is anyone else a stationary geek?! Embrace back to school and buy yourself a new notebook so great that writing in it takes the edge off that 2 hour meeting someone's booked in over lunch...

So get back to school, back in the zone and win Q3. 

Let me know if you need help getting clarity on your intentions for Q4.


Idea Stealers


Ever feel like you're not making progress quickly enough?