I think you know best...
When we've got big decisions to make we'll often consider who we know that may be able to help us. And generally, that's smart.
BUT. I also believe that no-one else really knows what WE should do.
No one has the right answer because no one else knows exactly what's right for us.
Say, for example, that you are trying to decide whether you want to go for a job in 'x' division or 'y' division. You could look for guidance from mentors, your boss, colleagues, or potentially worse (in terms of thinking they know you best)...friends and family.
I'm sure they'll have interesting insights and opinions. What they say will be based on THEIR experience. This doesn't necessarily directly translate into what will and won't work for you.
It will be skewed by their skill set, their previous experiences and their view of the world. They've had their own successes and failures they've learned from - it's not going to be as simple as following their top tip and waiting for it to work for you too.
So what can you do instead? Learn to trust yourself. How? This is exactly what coaching is about.
Spending less time looking to external sources and more time asking yourself the difficult questions.
You already know the answer, we just need to tap into the part of you that knows - try asking yourself:
- Ask which option is most exciting?
- Have the question in your mind (gently) as you go to sleep, when you're closest to your subconscious mind and most likely to create a 'eureka' moment the next day
- Meditate - even 2-3 minutes on the Headspace app could calm your mind enough for clarity to surface
- Write out a stream of consciousness in a notebook - whatever comes to mind goes on the page. This gets the clutter out of your head so you can think more clearly
- Working with a coach!
I believe you know best. Armed with that confidence, what's your next move?
P.S. I think that you know the best answer for you. Rather than seeking external validation, look for people that challenge your thinking and empower you to make choices that you know are right for you.
If you're looking to work with a coach I have 2 spaces opening up in mid May - now is a great time to reach out if you're curious.