Challenge for International Women's Week

I care about gender equity so will always look for a way to join in the conversation around International Women's Day (8 March). This years theme is a good one: #choosetochallenge.

International Women's Day.PNG

There are lots of things I could challenge about the experience of women in corporate. But the one that's currently front of my mind is motherhood. This first couple of months with my new title has stirred up mixed thoughts, ideas and perspectives.

So I’ve decided the IWD challenge will be to myself. I can:

  • zig zag between wanting my daughter in my arms and wanting a break

  • make parenting decisions that follow the crowd or are exactly opposite - as I see fit

  • dress my daughter in whatever colours I like

  • decide not to read parenting books

  • be on maternity leave and continue enjoying sharing ideas here.

As a woman I often feel there’s as much pressure to break societal rules (‘be the first’) as there is to follow them (‘be the best’). It’s pretty tiring carrying the weight of that.

So today I’m making a stand for personal choices. Because whilst there is still much to do to create gender equity, a big contributor to creating limitations or pressure for me is me. Knowing that makes it a whole lot easier to feel empowered. And be a better role model for walking the talk.

Some reflection questions to help you create your own insight this week:
1) Where are you feeling pressure to act in a way that isn't really 'you'? e.g. "be more assertive"
2) What are you hiding about yourself that you fear others will judge? e.g. a spiritual side or a new hobby
3) Where are you being pushed towards something you don't really want? e.g. a new job in an area you're not interested in because "it's good for your career".

Essentially, you or others are writing rules for you that you don't need to follow. You are more powerful when you're connected to who you really are and take grounded action aligned with that. What ‘rules’ can you tear up this week?

P.S. International Women's Day is a good prompt to pause and think where gender (amongst other things) is impacting how you think, act and behave. It's an opportunity to carve your own path.


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