An interesting way to assess your wellbeing

I recently listened to Jim Fortin’s podcast where he talks about Fear, Anxiety, Tension and Anger.
My first take-away is that we all define these states differently; what matters is your personal definition.
What does [insert state e.g. fear] mean to you? How does it feel in your body? What triggers it?

Secondly, we could be so used to experiencing these four mental states that we stop noticing them, they become like a constant, low-grade, static in the background of our minds. Imagine what we’re doing to our health and mindset with this anxiety and tension perpetually running through our body…

So the pro tip, is to check in regularly - even those of us that think we’re ‘good at this stuff.’ Jim recommends consciously checking-in with your self twice a day, for five days. In the moment just pause and notice what thoughts or feelings you’ve had recently that have triggered fear, anxiety, tension or anger.
By raising awareness of what energy we’re allowing into our mind and body, we can make changes to better support our well being.
Personally, I have more fear that I realised. Now I can work on that. I’m interested to hear what you find!


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