Provocative ideas about decision making
It turns out that lots of data and a logical approach can cause bad decision making. In a corporate role it can sound counterintuitive, but brevity and intuition are your friends.
Acknowledge your anger
When someone says they don’t ‘really get angry’ I get worried that they’re either repressing that emotion, or so deep within it that they no longer recognise it.
Which part of you is shouting loudest?
I’ve talked about mindfulness before and I’ll do it again because it’s a critical tool for self awareness. The more awareness you have, the easier it is to make simple changes to your mindset that will help you achieve the outcomes you want.
An interesting way to assess your wellbeing
By raising awareness of what energy we’re allowing into our mind and body, we can make changes to better support our well being.
What saying no to chocolate has taught me about willpower
Why is my willpower suddenly working where it never has before?
Are you making this mistake with your goals?
Whilst setting goals fires off neural pathways that help us to focus and think analytically (helpful), it also shuts down the part of the brain responsible for learning. Our goals can end up being too narrow/ not what we truly want, because we didn't take time to explore first. So it follows that we need to get our juicy creative thinking done BEFORE we want to channel this into a goal or intention.
These two biases are messing with your decisions
In short, we have natural biases that impact our decision making. Being aware of them means we can wrestle back some control from our social and psychological programming to help us achieve the best outcomes.