Which part of you is shouting loudest?



We all have a voice inside our head and if you don’t think that’s true - it means the voice inside your head just said something like ‘no we don’t’. And then an observer inside your head said ‘oh interesting, there was a voice’.

This is basic dissociation, it’s how we have arguments inside our own head and it can be incredibly useful. The important thing to know is that you are not ‘the voice’ - you are the observer of the voice. It can help to name it, for example I call the voice in my head Brain. This means that when the voice inside my head says something mean to me like, ‘don’t write that blog, they’ll think you’re craaazzzzyyyyy!!!!’ I can talk back. I can say something like; ‘Oh hi Brain, thanks for looking out for me but I’m cool with losing a few people if it means I’m teaching the rest of my audience about mindfulness.’

I’ve talked about mindfulness before and I’ll do it again because it’s a critical tool for self awareness. The more awareness you have, the easier it is to make simple changes to your mindset that will help you achieve the outcomes you want - and lead an even more fulfilling life.

This week I want you to consider these questions:

- Which part of you has the microphone?

- Have you given the microphone to the narky voice or to the observer?

- Which of them is shouting loudest?

I like this question (prompted by something my friend and coach Sophie French recently asked!) because it reminds us that we have the opportunity to listen to a different part of ourselves. A more positive part that has our back.

To act on the insights this week you can:

- Give the voice in your head a name (something that makes you smile/ is a bit daft would be perfect)

- The next time the voice has something unhelpful to say, tell it off. This is teaching you to dissociate in a positive way

- Give the microphone to the positive parts of you that have helpful things to say. Listen to them more.

I’d be Interested to hear what you find after trying prompts above and also about your own experience with mindfulness - it’s something I’m seeing powerfully impact my own and my clients results.

P.S. In April I'll be opening a wait list to start coaching programmes in May. I'll only have 2 spaces as I'm still choosing to invest a good amount of my attention on Baby Hutchings.
Drop me a line if you want to create powerful changes in your life! kat@katthecoach.co.uk


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