Moving on from career mistakes
Time to let go of that career decision you made 5 years ago that still occasionally haunts you. It isn't a predictor of future outcomes, it's just the past. Your next good decision is moments away.
Remembering you are powerful
Even if the precise situation you’re facing isn’t within your control, how you respond to it is.
Acknowledge your anger
When someone says they don’t ‘really get angry’ I get worried that they’re either repressing that emotion, or so deep within it that they no longer recognise it.
Which part of you is shouting loudest?
I’ve talked about mindfulness before and I’ll do it again because it’s a critical tool for self awareness. The more awareness you have, the easier it is to make simple changes to your mindset that will help you achieve the outcomes you want.
An interesting way to assess your wellbeing
By raising awareness of what energy we’re allowing into our mind and body, we can make changes to better support our well being.
What saying no to chocolate has taught me about willpower
Why is my willpower suddenly working where it never has before?
Being vs. doing
When you’re thinking about your next career move don’t think about what you want to ‘do’, think about how you want to feel.
You know you get frustrated at work, but have you ever asked why?
When we get triggered at work, it's worth understanding the underlying cause. The better our self awareness, the more we can adjust our environment and relationships for positive outcomes.
Are you making this mistake with your goals?
Whilst setting goals fires off neural pathways that help us to focus and think analytically (helpful), it also shuts down the part of the brain responsible for learning. Our goals can end up being too narrow/ not what we truly want, because we didn't take time to explore first. So it follows that we need to get our juicy creative thinking done BEFORE we want to channel this into a goal or intention.
Mindful leaders are powerful leaders
I suggest having your own version of this mindfulness exercise that you can talk through in your mind or record this script (speaking slowly) to play for yourself until you are able to notice without prompting.
It's okay to not be okay
The theme for mental health awareness week this year has been ‘kindness’ and I’ve seen plenty of people going the extra mile to be kind to each other during lock-down. But the purpose of the blog this week is to remind you to be kind to yourself.
Re-wiring your brain to get the outcome you want
If we've decided to break out of our day to day lives in some way (e.g. to start a new career, to move house, to get fitter), then it makes sense to me that we would need to break away from our old thinking that created our old life.
Your current reality is created by you
What you consider to be ‘reality’ is often just your perspective - so there’s nothing to stop you changing it.
The role of the heart and mind in the corporate world
Last week I was hit with some truth bombs about company culture at the Women in Business expo, particularly from the Karren Brady’s inspiring talk.