Taking Dumbledore's advice - it's all in your head
In the final Harry Potter book Dumbledore says to Harry, ‘Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?' - proof that it doesn't matter if you’re using your imagination or picturing a real event - our unconscious mind can’t tell the difference.
Mid year appraisal time - get what you want
Why are appraisals important? Because they’re an opportunity to celebrate success, re-set and GET WHAT YOU WANT.
I can tell what you're thinking...
I expect you've heard before that most of our communication is via body language and tone of voice, with words only accounting for c7% of our impact. I have seen this from a new perspective this week. I've been on an NLP course (neuro linguistic programming)and qualified as a practitioner to add to my coaching tool kit to support my clients.