Provocative ideas about decision making
It turns out that lots of data and a logical approach can cause bad decision making. In a corporate role it can sound counterintuitive, but brevity and intuition are your friends.
Leaders - what are your time investments saying about you?
Are the places you invest your time congruent with the person you want to be?
Tapped on the shoulder for your next role? It could be a bad thing
A tap on the shoulder for your next role can feel exciting or fill you with dread. Try out these questions to help you prepare for conversations about your next move.
Leaders: Listen to your body
Noticing discomfort is helpful. Rather than running from it, tap into what it's telling you - intuition is helpful in business.
Moving on from career mistakes
Time to let go of that career decision you made 5 years ago that still occasionally haunts you. It isn't a predictor of future outcomes, it's just the past. Your next good decision is moments away.
It's natural to want more
Lets stop stifling ourselves. Wanting more is the natural state of things - we're here to grow. Lets be grateful and STILL want more.
It's more attainable than we think...
We KNOW small steps today have a massive impact on our future. So it’s time to start taking them.
The thing about having 'it' all
I’m interested in a slightly different version of the age old question, so tell me - what does ‘having it all’ mean to YOU specifically?
Play the long game
We're often creating pressure to reach short term outcomes that may not be in our best interests. It’s time to pause, look at the long game and ENJOY building a legacy.
Why coach your top performers?
Did you know that most organisations will fund executive coaching for senior leaders? That’s because coaching will keep your high performers engaged, motivated and driven.
Remembering you are powerful
Even if the precise situation you’re facing isn’t within your control, how you respond to it is.
Less is progress
Getting rid of stuff we’ve accumulated, both physically and mentally, allows us to breathe deeper.
Self awareness: the critical component of good leadership
You already know what makes a great leader - it’s time to pause and act on this knowledge.
When is a weed not a weed?
One persons weed is another persons flower, so check yourself this week. What assumptions are you making? How can you surround yourself with different opinions?
A critical step missing from your decision making
I bet you’re already highly skilled at the logical parts of decision making, so the action this week is to notice if your intuition - your gut - is trying to add something to your thought process. Exceptional leaders harness both of these skills.
Are you shrinking to fit in?
Any job that requires you to be a watered down version of yourself isn’t going to work out. So, be honest with yourself - is that what you’re doing right now?
Two mental re-frames that convinced me to take time for myself
Putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s essential.
Taking Dumbledore's advice - it's all in your head
In the final Harry Potter book Dumbledore says to Harry, ‘Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?' - proof that it doesn't matter if you’re using your imagination or picturing a real event - our unconscious mind can’t tell the difference.
Acknowledge your anger
When someone says they don’t ‘really get angry’ I get worried that they’re either repressing that emotion, or so deep within it that they no longer recognise it.